Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lancaster and Harrisburg gave us quite a show

We had a great reception in Lancaster PA! Thanks to Angel for getting things organized and making the necessary arrangements. Angel and I became friends when I golfed across America five years ago and he did a great job. He made some phone calls to the Capitol of Pennsylvania to set up some great shots with the politicians from Pennsylvania.


Woody said...

You guys are doing an awesome thing!, I brought my son to Clipper Stadium to see the rig. Looks good!

Stay Safe!

l baker said...

Dave - On behalf of the entire Pennsylvania Senate, please accept our thanks for the good work of the Pink Ribbon Tour honoring and supporting families and women touched by breast cancer. We appreciated your stop in Harrisburg on September 24th. And we wish you continued safe travels during the remainder of your 2008 tour. - Senator Lisa Baker, Chair, PA Emergency Preparedness Committee